Wednesday, January 30, 2013

New SmartPhones - BlackBerry Z10 and Q10

BlackBerry announced their new platform, the BlackBerry 10 featuring two new devices!
The Full-touch Z10 and the keyboard-equipped Q10.

According to their chief executive Thorsten Heins, The new BlackBerry "will transform mobile communications into true mobile computing." after the announcement that RIM is now officially BlackBerry.

After being a dominant smartphone before Apple and and Google Android operating system, they now hold less than five percent of the global market according to surveys which makes it nearly a life-death situation for the company if they will still standout or be forever be a thing in the past.

Though tech analyst Jeff Kagan said that he was impressed in the lofty number of applications and the overall impression of the device, he added that it was too soon to say if BlackBerry 10 will emerge as a major competitor to Apple and Google.

For the features noticeable in these new smartphones are the capacity for users to share in real-time screens and complex data from two different locales on a messaging system, a single character flick that can generate an entire word and a sophisticated camera for the photo enthusiasts.

Well, while some consumers prefer to use their phones for applications most of the time, there is no need to worry since the new devices also starts with some 70,000 applications including prominent offerings like Amazon's Kindle and LinkedIn.

For those BlackBerry Fans out there, it's time to get your pockets and purses ready as their new devices invades the market!


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